In May 2018 I was lucky enough to be approached by Maria Grusauskas of the Santa Cruz 'Good Times' publication for an interview. Here is the lovely article Maria wrote:
Incredible times we live in. Increasingly, there is more and more available to us that assists in the re-discovery of our true nature. As we are beginning to awaken in large numbers, we are discovering our multi-dimensional nature and the possibilities for healing that become available as a result of that, and as a consequence of honoring all of our interconnectedness.
Those are broad and exciting concepts and this could be a first paragraph to many different articles (which, in itself, speaks to the times we are in). However, what I am seeking to focus on here, is the way this multidimensional awakening is creating opportunities for healing, specifically through my area of passion and expertise - energy-attuned bodywork, such as Craniosacral therapy. As a healer, who works with the body to help facilitate healing for the whole person, it is very exciting for me to see that it is becoming more and more common place for people to know that physical, emotional, and spiritual difficulties and problems are all one and the same. That distressing symptoms and dis-eased conditions are a result of falling out of alignment with our soul, and out of sink with the vibration of universal love. Further more, at this time I am seeing more and more people, who recognize that what troubles them can have roots in ancestral, and even past-life events and patterns. I see it in myself, I see it in my friends, and I see it in many of the clients I am honored to work with. We are opening up, we are willing to take the steps towards healing, and we are recognizing that it is crucial we reconnect with Spirit, whatever that means to each of us. And, as painful and scary as this process of unfolding to our multidimensionality can, at times, seem, it is also very liberating and empowering. Liberating, because it enables us to free ourselves from debilitating symptoms, destructive patterns, and meaningless ways of living. Empowering, because as we go through this healing process, we inevitably realize that WE are the sole creators of our experience. So, if we are not satisfied with some aspect of our life, we have the capacity to change, grow, and heal on a very deep level. How do we do all that? How do we release ancestral trauma or heal a past life atrocity? With love and with the right help (and in this case I am a big advocate for energy-attuned bodywork). Love, though, is the key. I hold this position whole-heatedly - LOVE is the key to any healing. When we can bring the vibration of love to any wound, when we can truly be with what is, or what was, with total acceptance, forgiveness, and love - the darkness of the wound becomes illuminated, and can finally transform. And, that love has to begin with ourselves. That is very important. We can’t give to others what we don’t give ourselves. When we don’t feel safe, nurtured, and loved, we will have a much harder time bringing the vibration of love to painful wounds, and to people that in our perception, have wronged us. But when we do love ourselves completely... No matter our past, when we take the steps to take amazing care of ourselves - the healing often arises organically and effortlessly. As our sense of being loved and embodying love becomes greater than our sense of having been wronged, wounded, or victimized... Then the whole multilayered human organism has the potential to heal deeply, and that healing ripples out in all directions, into past, present, and future connections of this great web of life. One powerful way to raise the vibration of love for yourself is through high quality, energy-attuned bodywork. Our bodies are our vessels. They are exquisite homes we currently reside in, while here, on this magical planet. They are infinitely wise - always attempting to alert us to any lack of loving harmony, by means of pain, symptoms, and, in more advanced stages, disease. Our bodies never lie. Thankfully, we are finally awakening from a long dark age of dishonoring our bodies, or, at best, from simply using them to transport our heads. When you get bodywork, you are giving your body the message that you are paying attention, taking care of it, and loving it. Do it regularly and the message becomes strong and consistent. Your body’s inner wisdom hears, and, over-time, begins to ‘trust’ you again, revealing the ways in which the messages from the soul have come to manifest physically. And so, with LOVE as the foundation, the whole human organism, and all of its interconnections and different dimensions, have an opportunity to heal. So... Treat yourselves lovingly, my friends. Give your body love and attention, like it was your most cherished friend. Prioritize regularly seeing a bodyworker you resonate with, and you may be astounded with the healing that is possible. Inna Dagman, CMT January 9th, 2018 Dear Readers,
April has been announced Craniosacral Therapy Awareness month by the Upledger Institute, the leading institution in the field. This has inspired me to share with you why I am such a strong believer in Craniosacral Therapy. Our modern health care system has seen an increased tendency toward specialization - there are separate doctors for everything. Additionally, the idea of personal responsibility for one's health has been diminished in the mechanistic view of the human in these industrialized times. More or less, when something is wrong, we go to the right 'specialist' so that they 'fix' us. Even in more alternative medicine, and in manual therapy some of that trend persists because people have been culturally trained to perceive their health as something in the hands of others. But... of course... no one can do for us what we are unwilling to do for ourselves. While medications, surgery, supplements, manual adjustments and treatments, and the like can be a significant help, to address the CORE REASON for dis-ease we must look within. We must carefully, lovingly, and holistically evaluate our lives and see where did we loose some of our spirit. Where did we fall out of synch with our inner wisdom, our essential nature. When such an introspection can be made in an honest and intentional way, the result can be transformational. Craniosacral therapy is one powerful way to connect with one's inner guidance. In addition to releasing tension and restrictions accumulated by the soma through life's stresses and traumas, this modality helps return a powerful state of self-awareness and self-empowerment. The practitioners that are skilled at dialoguing can also help clients create an intentional connection with their inner wisdom, while performing the manual therapy. This is why Craniosacral therapy is often credited with quite profound healing of a very wide range of health problems - it can help those that are ready and willing to look deeply within and transform their health from the inside out. This is good news to say the least, and an excellent reason to come in for a session, even if you are not currently afflicted by any symptoms. Staying in tune with your spirit, the voice of your essential nature is probably the best preventive medicine. Thank you for reading. ~Inna. Welcome, In this post I want to share with you a few powerful quotes from Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss, one of my favorite books. I have selected these few quotes together as they share the common theme of choice as an act of empowerment and healing: "Choice is the power of creation itself". "Any choice made out of fear is a violation of the energy of faith". "It is not what we choose that matters but why we choose it". In this powerful book Caroline Myss, a medical intuitive, outlines how we create our own realities, including our diseases and problems. Inherent in this view is the understanding that what we create we also have the power to change. By taking responsibility for our actions, our choices, and the reasons we've made these choices, we gain the ability to heal and change our lives for the better. As we do that, we become an inspiration to those around us, and thus are contributing more actively to the creation of a healthy, vibrant, and loving world. Here is a reflection from my own life, bringing to life this topic. In October of 2015 my body pushed me to quit the restaurant industry - an occupation I held for many years. It was clearly time for me to move on and invest more energy in my own health and the expansion of my healing bodywork practice. I was scared to leave, however, as it wasn't clear for me yet how I'd pay my bills. Yet it was clear I was being guided to leave. As soon as I made the decision to leave I felt an enormous relief, a return of energy into my body, and a sense of empowerment. The choice to leave a job that was draining me showed the universe that I trust. That I have faith that I will be provided for as long as I am showing up with integrity to all that I do. Almost immediately new and much more life-force affirming sources of income appeared, that were far more aligned with how my gifts should be offered to the world. It was a great lesson in the power of choice, faith, and the letting go of fear. Every time we make a choice based on faith, we exercise that muscle and it becomes more natural to live that way. And as the universe observes our commitment to making choices based on faith rather than fear, it increasingly supports us with opportunities for creating a life full of harmony, health, love, and service. Thank you for reading. Until next time.... Inna. |
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